
am loving rhino heads right now!

are rhino heads the new deer head? ever since I saw Antonio's pink rhino head on Antonio Treatment the other night, I have had a slight obsession with rhino heads, and trying to figure how to work one into my home design (which might come as a slight surprise to Bryce...)
but look at this guy, isn't he awesome!? and I think his horn could come in handy for hanging hats or coats on :)I have been looking around online to see what's out there and surprisingly picking up a rhino head is not as easy as it sounds... well there is this guy from anthropologie but he's not quite fierce enough for me, but the paper mache idea is a good one... do you see where I'm heading with this??? :)

this guy is cool

but this guy is my absolute favourite!

next rainy day weekend project to make a fierce life like rhino head out of paper mache - what do you think?


  1. Paper mache is the right medium, no doubt about it. May I suggest a final "skin" of cloth (torn up bedsheets) dipped into white glue (Elmer's). It will give you the detail you want and also make the project supremely strong. I make dragon trophies this way (and have a video of me making it on my site). But the method would work great for Rhinos.
    Best of luck on the project. You should definitely do it!

  2. thanks Dan - I checked out your website and wow! thanks for the tips, I'll definitely be checking your site for tips.

  3. http://www.amazon.com/Tozai-Twos-Company-Rhinoceros-Trophy/dp/B0047T7PPS/ref=pd_sxp_grid_pt_0_1

    amazon is selling a few. if i had $90-$115 i'd buy one.
